Radiation Oncology Waiting Area

Radiation Oncology

Payson Center for Cancer Care

Radiation Oncology

Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays, such as X-rays, to destroy many types of cancer cells and shrink tumors in different parts of the body. Radiation damages the genetic material of cancer cells, which leads to their destruction. Radiation may also damage normal cells that are close to the cancer cells. But normal cells usually repair themselves, while the cancer cells cannot.

If your doctor determines radiation is the best course of treatment for your diagnosis, you can count on receiving the latest radiation techniques and equipment with treatments delivered by an experienced team of specialists and therapists at Concord Hospital Payson Center for Cancer Care.


  • Image-guided radiation therapy
  • Stereotactic radiosurgery
  • Respiratory-gated synchronized treatment
  • Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT)
  • Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Liver (SBRT) 
  • Surface-guided radiation therapy (SGRT)
  • Tatooless Radiation Treatment
  • Three-dimensional (3D) conformal radiation therapy 

Using the latest radiation technology of the Varian True Beam Linear Accelerator and multifaceted software, the board-certified radiation oncologists on our medical staff, therapists, medical physicists, and dosimetrists collaborate to design custom treatment plans for patients.  

Our multi-disciplinary team includes physicians, oncology-certified nurses, rehabilitation professionals, pharmacists, care managers, a board-certified specialist in oncology nutrition, social workers, a physician-led palliative care program, and many others. This highly effective approach ensures all aspects of your care, from diagnosis through treatment and survivorship, are coordinated and individualized for each patient.

Our oncology nurses are nationally certified by the Oncology Nursing Society. Knowledgeable nurses are better equipped to recognize problems and take action to resolve cancer and treatment-related concerns. The Oncology Nurse Certification validates that a nurse has received the required cancer-specific education, has proven experience in cancer care, and is able to apply their specialized knowledge in the high-quality care they provide to patients. 

Moonlight Gala

Moonlight Gala Raises $170,000 for New Linear Accelerator

The Moonlight Gala, our Trust's fundraising event in September at the Barn and Bull Meadow, raised $170,000 to support the purchase of a new linear accelerator for our Payson Center for Cancer Care.

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ACR Accreditation Seal

Radiation Oncology Center of Excellence

The Payson Center for Cancer Care has been designated by the American College of Radiology as a Center of Excellence for radiation oncology. The Center's staff qualifications, diagnostic image quality, equipment, treatment planning and treatment administration, as well as patient safety policies and quality control/quality assessment (QC/QA) activities, are assessed against nationally-recognized parameters. This accreditation demonstrates our commitment to providing the safest and best quality care possible.

Dr. Kristofer Roberts

Role of Radiation Therapy and Nurse Navigators in Cancer Diagnoses

Radiation therapy is a specific type of cancer treatment used alone or in conjunction with other therapies. It involves delivering varying doses of radiation to a desired target while minimizing exposure to the surrounding healthy tissue. Dr. Kristofer Roberts and nurse navigators Caitlin Roberts, BSN, RN, OCN, and Kim Pauliks, BSN, RN, of our Payson Center for Cancer Care discuss radiation oncology and navigating a cancer diagnosis.

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Upcoming Classes & Events

  • Apr
    5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
    Are you a cancer survivor? This program offers you and your loved ones support and education related to your diagnosis.
  • May
    5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
    Are you a cancer survivor? This program offers you and your loved ones support and education related to your diagnosis.
  • Jun
    9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    If you're a cancer survivor, bring your family members to this annual event for celebration, learning, music and fun.
  • Jun
    5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
    Are you a cancer survivor? This program offers you and your loved ones support and education related to your diagnosis.